West Webster Cemetery
Corner of Ridge Road and Maple Drive
 Webster, NY 14580
(585) 704-9506


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Click the first letter of the last name to search our burial listings
(The WWFD column denotes the deceased was a member of the West Webster Fire Department). 

NameSectionLotGrave No.Date of DeathAgeVeteran(rank, branch)Veteran OfWWFD
Danard, Frank2nd Section35953/13/194269   
Darby, Annette R.Old West7356/1/195518   
Darby, Annette S. (Irwin)Old West7321/22/196489   
Darby, Ernest CliffordOld West7315/11/194165   
Darby, Frank A.Old West7349/21/194129   
Darby,Leon E.Old West7337/22/193222   
Day, Frank Eugene2nd Section13345/8/196180   
Day, Gladys M. (Priest)2nd Section13352/13/195150   
Dayton, Catherine E. (Horton)Old West13129/12/189677   
Dayton, Charlotte AmandaOld West13132/6/18512   
Dayton, Clarine Mary (Annis)Old West13933/31/196383   
Dayton, Eli LawrenceOld West131112/16/189064   
Dayton, Eva (Jones)Old West12826/22/194590   
Dayton, Faythe (Outwater)Old West9026/3/197283   
Dayton, Florence D. (Herrick)Old West12929/7/193574   
Dayton, Floyd H.New Ground1747/25/198474   
Dayton, Frank JonesOld West139410/15/197094   
Dayton, Glenn Earl JrOld West9038/22/200682   
Dayton, Glenn Earl SrOld West90110/4/197587   
Dayton, Harvey E.New Ground5219/4/198198   
Dayton, Ira RossmanOld West12813/20/193988   
Dayton, James MillerOld West13928/26/199289   
Dayton, Jean K.New Ground184A26/26/200461   
Dayton, Mettie (Crittenden)New Ground5226/14/195372   
Dayton, Mina M.Old West13147/14/191865   
Dayton, Myron GlenOld West12913/26/190852   
Dayton, Randall H.New Ground184A17/2/201348   
Dayton, Roberta (DePoint)Old West9034/25/200681   
Dayton, Ruth Ione (Fry)New Ground1736/23/197563   
Deacon, Mary EdnaOld East4411/22/198587   
DeFranco, Eugene G.Ash1017/24/202178   
Degan, Evelyn Florence (Dinse)2nd Section46352/29/199670   
DeGeorge, Daniel A.New Ground3255/1/199172   
DeGeorge, Dorothy M.New Ground3252/14/198160   
DeGeorge, Douglas E.New Ground32511/12/199250US ArmyVietnam 
DeGeorge, Katherine2nd Section46418/8/198384   
Dehey, John C.2nd Section43144/9/195876   
Dehey, Mary (Lusink) (Dulgen)2nd Section43131/17/198089   
DeHond, Abraham H.2nd Section37232/16/196672   
DeHond, Laura Agnes (Volk)2nd Section37246/16/196269   
Dembs, Dorothy L. (Olesly)New Ground10759/29/201490   
Dembs, Henry J.New Ground107412/18/2015932nd LT,5th Air Force Bombardment Sqdn., Army Air CorpsWWII 
DeRosa, Isabelle M.New Ground15626/22/200982   
DeRosa, JohnNew Ground15611/16/199872EM2, US NavyWWII 
DeSmit, Elmer M.Old East4944/8/199188   
DeSmit, IsaacNew Ground2115/8/195981   
DeSmit, Maude Magdelena (Williams)New Ground2125/13/197090   
DeSmit, Mildred R. (Collins)Old East4957/30/198884   
Deutschbein, Esther E. (Ballard)2nd Section392212/1/190236   
Deutschbein, Gustave2nd Section39214/11/191046   
Deutschbein, Hazel (Cooper)2nd Section392.5210/14/197478   
Deutschbein, Herman G.2nd Section392.517/5/197471Pvt., US Army GVFD
Deutschbein, Lucia Marie2nd Section392.555/11/1993100   
Devereux, Ammerilla (Peck)Old West13626/22/185455   
Devereux, EstherOld West13649/11/186961   
Devereux, JohnathanOld West13615/26/187776   
Devereux, Mary AnnOld West13657/1/185521   
Devereux, Philander2nd Section254188469   
DeVrieze, Helen (Watson)New Ground87310/22/200381   
DeVrieze, Raymond J.New Ground8748/24/199073PFC, US ArmyWWII 
Dewey, Jeanne P.New Ground16412/16/201080   
Dewey, John FrancisNew Ground16427/29/201789   
DeWitt, Charles2nd Section15815/23/192879   
DeWitt, Sarah Anna (Malling)2nd Section15823/10/193480   
Deyle, Florence2nd Section17932/4/195482   
Deyo, Sarah E. (Jackson)2nd Section16413/12/187033   
Dickey, Ethel Belle (Cripps)2nd Section481.536/14/198272   
Dickey, Harry Lyle2nd Section481.5211/10/199485Pvt., US ArmyWWII 
Dickinson, Edward2nd Section1591     
Dickinson, Elizabeth Ann (Cleveland)2nd Section127212/31/191479   
Dickinson, Emma A. 'Gussie' (Peet)2nd Section11531/9/190951   
Dickinson, Mary Catherine (Whitbeck)2nd Section11523/7/191786   
Dickinson, Mary Helen2nd Section115511/24/197085   
Dickinson, Moses Simmons2nd Section12712/11/192091   
Dickinson, Robert P.Old East746/8/184344   
Dickinson, William Hicks2nd Section11519/18/190679   
Dickinson, William Leslie Dr.2nd Section11546/8/191763   
Diederich, Betty JaneNew Ground13033/12/199771   
Diederich, Melvin CharlesNew Ground130312/18/200582Tec 5, US ArmyWWII 
Dieffenderfer, Catherine A. (Smith)New Ground1543/11/199779   
Dieffenderfer, George H.New Ground1552/24/199891PFC, US ArmyWWII 
DiGiacomo, Maria L. (Lotti)New Ground12047/14/198973   
Dinse, Earl Hance2nd Section46319/4/198666Pvt., US ArmyWWII 
Disbrow, Cora Mae2nd Section45432/13/198698   
Dittman, Beverly AnnNew Ground166312/30/202474   
Dixon, Charles H.Old West14343/15/192459   
Dixon, ElsieUnknown  10/3/194183   
Dixon, Fannie E. (Pitt)Old West14244/5/196182   
Dixon, Frank LaverneOld West14237/15/194963   
Dixon, John A.2nd Section22728/10/190660   
Dixon, Julia Ann (Cronk)2nd Section2273190477   
Dixon, Temperance (Brambley)Old West14356/13/193071   
Doan, Amelia C. 'Minnie' (Walters)2nd Section240210/12/191876   
Doan, Edwin GrantOld West78110/13/196186   
Doan, John Philip2nd Section152.541/24/192887   
Doan, Maria E. (Davis)2nd Section152.5511/29/193991   
Doan, Mary G. (Berg)Old West7829/7/196082   
Doan, Minnie R.2nd Section2404 3 days   
Doan, Phillip2nd Section240112/13/189381   
Docteur, Gary FrancisNew Ground11811/15/201261   
Dodswell, Mary (Hatch)Old East235     
Dorn, Clara2nd Section40831/17/196089   
Dorn, William Jr.2nd Section4084     
Dorn, William Sr.2nd Section4081     
Douglas, Larry S.New Ground193.141/21/201676   
Drake, Adelia A.2nd Section213111/23/188855   
Drake, BabyOld East174 1   
Drake, Charlotte (Van Zile)2nd Section8014/28/187481   
Drake, Cornelia (Brewer)2nd Section69210/12/186644   
Drake, CorneliusOld East20112/15/183985VeteranRevolutionary War 
Drake, Dora Villetta (Bennett)Old West14632/5/192877   
Drake, Dorothy Alida2nd Section215512/7/1916<1   
Drake, Elizabeth L. (Richards)2nd Section21318/8/190863   
Drake, Esther (Burnett)2nd Section7929/20/186471   
Drake, Felix King2nd Section21418/20/192473   
Drake, Gertrude Louise (Watson)2nd Section21526/2/195970   
Drake, IdaOld East271     
Drake, Isaac2nd Section7915/28/188289Terrus Co., Swift's Vols.War of 1812 
Drake, Jacob KingOld East1716/30/190979   
Drake, John Bancroft2nd Section21517/24/195164   
Drake, John H.2nd Section6911/1/189069   
Drake, Margaret Lorain (Sherman)Old East1729/7/190363   
Drake, Maria (Boardman)2nd Section326/14/190577   
Drake, Mary L.Old East17511/22/189326   
Drake, Sarah Elizabeth (Bancroft)2nd Section21421/24/193067   
Drake, Sylvester2nd Section21325/8/191685   
Drake, Willard Francis2nd Section335/15/18571   
Drake, William2nd Section311/28/190786   
Drake, William2nd Section8021/4/187788VeteranWar of 1812 
Drum, Charity (Brush)2nd Section2410/16/188878   
Drum, James B.2nd Section25     
Drum, John Bennett2nd Section263/7/18424 mos.   
Drum, Ruth Agusta (Murphy)2nd Section2956/8/193385   
Drum, William2nd Section233/1/188776   
Drum, Zopher Duia2nd Section2936/5/193388   
Drumm, Henry S.2nd Section2911/3/186522Pvt., Co. G, 4th NY Heavy ArtilleryCivil War 
Dubickas, John L.New Ground211401-16-202291US Army  
DuBois, Lola (Bennett)Old East1653/24/194272   
Duerbaum, Florence Adelle (Doan)2nd Section35021/2/196779   
Duerbaum, George Robert2nd Section35051/30/19102 mos.   
Duerbaum, George Thomas2nd Section35013/27/195672   
Duerbaum, Harry Frederick2nd Section35054/16/19147 mos.   
Duffett, Selena Kathryn (Mills)Old West8315/19/197885   
Duncan, Matilda Jane (Brewer)6 Ft Aisle4110/29/192375   
Duncan, Spencer6 Ft Aisle42     
Dunham, Elson New Ground168204/20/202498U.S. NavyWWII 
Dunham, Marianne E.New Ground168209/04/202391   
Dunn, Alfred W.Old West8816/5/195069   
Dunn, Bessie (Knapp)Old West88211/21/1982100   
Dunn, Raymond AlfredOld West8837/5/195029Capt., US Army, Mass. Ordnance Hdqts Seine SectionWWII 
Duris, Baby2nd Section3733     
Duris, Catherine2nd Section37357/21/190248   
Duris, James2nd Section37346/24/190546Sgt., Co A, 8th US Infantry, US Army  
Dwinell, Desire (Strong)2nd Section11923/3/188886   
Dwinell, Ebenezer H.2nd Section119410/11/18255   
Dwinell, Henry E.2nd Section9219/5/190679   
Dwinell, Justin2nd Section11916/23/186262   
Dwinell, Lucinia (Devereaux)2nd Section92210/21/189871   
Dwinell, Lydia A.2nd Section11953/12/18261